Medicine, Mind and Adolescence 1996, XI, 1

Intervention-research within Aids prevention programs: knowledge attitudes of preadolescents and parents regarding Aids

Carmelo Di Fazio, Vincenzo Foti, Paola Zarini

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The objective of this work is prevention of HIV infections by the modification of knowledge and attitudes referring to the contagion modalities and to favour the taking on of responsible behaviours in order to avoid all form of risk.

1500 questionnaires were handed out for evaluation:

1. the questionnaires was subdivided in three areas according to the starting level of the program users: A) information level B) cultural attitudes C) emotive reactivity

A) the evaluation is done by giving a questionnaire with 13 multiple-answer questions

B) the evaluation is carried out with 13 consent or non-consent auto declarations regarding prospected types of situation

C) the evaluation is carried out with the use of a semantic differential (8 stimulus words)

2. statistical elaboration of the data collected;

3. informative interventions took place articulated meetings in relation to the elements collected during phase 1;

4. evaluation of the effects in the three areas a month later, by giving the phase 1 adolescents only the questionnaire a second time (exit questionnaire).

Result: from the data concerning the entrance questionnaires a substantial similarity emerges between parents and adolescent as far as cultural attitudes and emotive reactivity are concerned; from the confrontation of the data concerning the entrance questionnaires and the exit ones (adolescent only) a significant increase in the level of information consequent to the interventions that were carried out is noted, while cultural attitudes and the emotive representation relative to the AIDS problems remain unvaried.

As emerged from other recent researches, our investigations also confirm that interventions of a strictly informative nature, even though they modify the level of knowledge, do not suffice in deeply changing attitudes and promoting an efficient prevention. For this reason we predict a successive phase of the project characterized by an integration of informative meetings and meetings having the goal to affectively elaborate inherent contents. This successive phase will have to predict the evaluation of the teacher-student relationship, an efficient way to promote real changes.

("Intervention-research within Aids prevention programs: knowledge attitudes of preadolescents and parents regarding Aids". Paper presented at the Second International Congress of Adolescentology Milano 94: Adolescence and Family. Milan, Italy, November 18-19, 1994).

Key Words: Intervention-research, prevention, Aids.

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